Susanna Heron: Still Point

Title: Still Point
Artist: Susanna Heron (b. 1949, British)
Location: Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral (RC)
Date: 2011

This work was short-listed for the ACE Award for Art in a Religious Context in 2007.

Still Point is a meditative spatial work incorporated into the cathedral grounds. It has three associated parts: a stone element, a poem and a song. The poem reads: 

Between body and mind | mind and spirit | memory and ghost | past and future | eye and seeing | seeing and understanding

See more information about the artwork here.

Susanna Heron (b. 1949, British) is an artist who frequently works in response to an architectural site, or with landscape. In the 1960s and 70s Heron designed jewellery and she has also worked with light projections, video, photography and print.

Further Information

Medium: Stone/Mineral
Size: 17.5m in diameter, 35cm in height
Permanent display
See Heron’s Still Point on the Ecclesiart map here.
Commissioner: Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Other modern/contemporary works of art in Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral: Windows, tabernacle and reredos by Ceri Richards; Risen Christ sculpture, Arthur Dooley; floor and bronze gates, David Atkins; Christ figure (one on the High Altar, another on the altar in the Lady Chapel), Elisabeth Frink; eagle lectern, Abraham statue, ambo and stations of the cross, Sean Rice; Paschal Candle and embroidered panel, Robin McGhie; hanging panels, Sister Anthony SND and Pat Boulton; mosaic panel of Pentecost, George Mayer-Marton; Lady Chapel window, Margaret Traherne; Madonna and Child sculpture, Robert Brumby (1967); Lady Chapel altar, Sister Anthony SND; Chapel of St Joseph panels, Children’s Chapel Christ with the children sculpture and Reconciliation Chapel Christ on the Cross sculpture, Stephen Foster; Amnesty Chapel sculpture of Christ before Pilate, Peter Ball; candlesticks, Edwin Lutyens (in Crypt Treasury); stonework façade and bronze door sculptures, William Mitchell; Eight Monoliths, Ralph Seitz.


Geoffrey Clarke: High Altar cross


Tracey Emin: For You